DA to take legal action against the ANC/EFF/PA Coalition of Corruption’s wasteful Joburg spending

Issued by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku – DA Johannesburg Caucus Leader
10 Apr 2024 in Press Statements

Note to Editors: Find a soundbite by Cllr Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku here

The Democratic Alliance (DA) will urgently launch legal action, in the form of an urgent review, against the abuse of public funds by the ANC/EFF/PA/Al Jama-ah coalition of corruption in the City of Johannesburg. This unholy alliance between the ANC and EFF, which is aided and abetted in Joburg by the sell-outs in the Patriotic Alliance, is shamelessly diverting millions of rands towards providing luxury vehicles and VIP bodyguards to their cronies and cadres, while the city teeters on the brink of financial and service delivery collapse.

The Johannesburg City Council has approved a proposal to spend over R3 million per month on VIP protection for the executive of the council and other office bearers of the council such as the Speaker, chief whip, chair of chairs, and chair of the municipal public accounts committee. The DA voted against this decision.

Added to this, the total estimated cost of the vehicles, to purchase anew is staggering – approximately R28 million!

The Patriotic Alliance’s MMCs for Housing and Transport will get four VIP protectors and two luxury cars each. While the PA shares in the spoils of ANC/EFF corruption by getting bodyguards, the people of Joburg live in fear of criminals. While they get luxury vehicles, the people can barely afford fuel anymore.

This is a stark reminder of the self-serving nature of the ANC-EFF-PA coalition, which prioritises lavish perks for its members over the needs of Johannesburg’s residents. The fact that the Patriotic Alliance – a wolf in sheep’s clothing that masquerades as an opposition party while facilitating ANC/EFF corruption – is complicit in this scandalous misuse of taxpayer funds, is a betrayal of the trust placed in them by the electorate.

Executive Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda, Speaker Margaret Arnolds, and their cohorts in the coalition of corruption, are living it up at the expense of hardworking taxpayers, while ordinary residents are left to contend with crumbling infrastructure and rampant corruption.

In light of these revelations, the DA is taking urgent action against the PA’s coalition of corruption with the ANC and EFF. We cannot stand idly by while these looters squander public funds to fund their luxury lifestyles as Joburg crumbles. We will pursue every legal avenue available to us to ensure that this gross abuse of power is halted immediately.

The DA calls on all residents who value accountability and transparency in governance to join us in our fight against corruption and mismanagement against the PA and their partners in the ANC and EFF. This scandal also underscores the urgent need for the Johannesburg City Council to be dissolved so that fresh elections can take place and residents can vote out the PA, ANC and EFF. The DA will not rest until those responsible for this shameful misuse of public funds are held accountable for their actions.